How create a blog:

Creation of a blog is simple. By using a blog you can made 1000 of dollar per month . So please follows this step given below for creating blog. By using blog you can connect persons of different part of world


Firstly you need Google account. Because this features are given by Google . A Google account can be build easily by taking the link

The second step to build a blog. It is done by taking the site provided by goolge ( .Sign in the blog by using Google account.


Complete the form by giving the heading of the web page and the address of the web page. You can select 'template' (blog theme) as your wish . Template is the most powerful one that can attract othor visitors . After it you can post through 'posting'. You can arrange the page element by taking 'Layout' option in the 'Dashboard'

For adding more features to your page take 'add Gadget' in the 'Layout'. You can select Gadget as your wish and you can to put it as your imagination

How you can earn by using blog:

You can earn by using a blog . It can be done by placing absence your blog. When visitors click on the adsence your balance account increase . It has following simple steps


For this you should register in google adsence ( and make a account . Your balance can see in this account. After reaching minimum $100 , you can to take this cash .For this you should given your address in which your payments are received


After you building the absence account in the Google , you should log in to your blogger account. And select 'Layout' in the dashboard and select add gadget and select absence .Your balance can to see from 'Monetize' menu that present in the dashboard
How You Can Earn More:
It is should remember that you can not to earn without hard work . So for earn more you should be updates your blog daily. For earn more your blog should be sufficient traffic ( it mean that your blog should be taken more visitors) . For attractive blog should be require a template with navigation menu and should include good contents that was interesting to readers . The blogger templates can be downloaded from various website for free .

1 comment:

  1. good information, you are my teacher. And i try to know more through this page
